A shot of the new chandelier, and a couple (poorly lit) shots of the new drapes Amanda picked up.
A shot in to the dining room showing that the mountain of tile is no longer there. This is the beginning of preparing to replace the living room and foyer floors.
The corner of the dining room cleaned up.
Some more pictures of the dining room in progress. I've widened the area in the middle of the room, and next is the corner. This really shows the contrast.
Here's where I started stripping the carpet adhesive off the floor. The kinda yellow area is wet with stripper, the wood-brown area is stripped, and the dirty-grey-yellow-nasty color is dry carpet adhesive. Obviously, I'm doing this around the furniture, since there's a limit to how large an area you can work at one time. The only thing moved so far is the dining room table. Eventually the whole room will be done, of course.
The door and window from the Dining Room onto the Porch were boarded up and plastic'd, etc. Obviously a less-than-ideal situation. This had to change.
Nothing a little DeWalt can't fix :-)
Pulling Duck Tape (real Duck brand, even!) off the mouldings pulled the fugly brown paint of the original varnish. Chalk up *another* use for Duck Tape.
Obviously, we got the door open.
View from the window, out onto the porch and our garbage can :-)
There's actually a dining room table in the dining room!
Some of how we found the dining room...